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A person is holding a cell phone in front of a book titled artificial intelligence
By John Wilson February 19, 2025
Copyright and Translated Content: Who Owns the Creative Rights? Understanding Copyright Law and Translation Copyright law protects creative work and bestows sole authority over the work upon the creators. For example, the owner of the work of a novel has the right over the work under the concept of the right under the copyright. Courts have found that “the degree of protection afforded by the copyright is measured by what is actually copyrightable in the publication and not by the entire publication.” See, e.g., Dorsey v. Old Sur. Life Ins. Co., 98 F.2d 872, 873 (10th Cir. 1938) (emphasis added). For translations, the situation is not very clear. Translations involve creative judgments over word translation and not the translation of mere words. Hence the knowledge about the applicability of the concept of the right over the work is essential for establishing the right over the work. For example, a Court in the Northern District of California stated that: “ the determinative question is whether Plaintiff holds a valid copyright. ” Signo Trading Intern. Ltd. v. Gordon, 535 F. Supp. 362, 363 (N.D. Cal. 1981). The Signo Trading Court dismissed Plaintiff’s infringement claims because plaintiff did not have a valid copyright as a matter of law in the translations and transliterations at issue because they lacked the “requisite originality.” Id. at 365. Can Translation Be Considered a Creative Process? The Practice of Translating Translation goes beyond the replacement of one word by the equivalent word from the source text. Translating literary work, poetry, and fiction with deeper meanings beyond the surface text is a complex, artistic process. Translating books like The Iliad, for instance, requires the practice of artistic translation to translate the emotions, thoughts, and the culture correctly. Technical Translations and Legal Translations Conversely, technical writing and texts for the law need less creativity and instead value correctness over all else. These writing forms require strict adherence to the original sense, leaving very little room for artistic interpretation. Translations for these writing forms thus typically involve less creative contribution and less potential for the work being protected by copyright. Why Is Creativity Important for Translations for Copyright? Originality when translating For a work to be subject to copyright, some creativity, however slight, is essential. Even when the translation is taken from the work, the translation also includes some creative work by the translator. This creativity can make the translation subject to copyright. A derivative work must “recast, transform[], or adapt[]” a preexisting work and “consist[] of editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications which, as a whole, represent an original work of authorship.” Id. In other words, it must change or alter the pre-existing work’s content and must itself be an original work of authorship. The Supreme Court stated that “ [t]he sine qua non of copyright is originality ” and that “ [t]o qualify for copyright protection, a work must be original to the author. ” Feist Publ’ns, Inc. v. Rural Tel. Serv. Co., Inc., 499 U.S. 340, 361 (1991) at 345. “Original, as the term is used in copyright, means only that the work was independently created by the author (as opposed to copied from other works), and that it possesses at least some minimal degree of creativity.” Id. (citing 1 M. Nimmer & D. Nimmer, Copyright §§ 2.01[A], [B] (1990)). In granting a Rule 12 motion to dismiss, the Signo Trading Court held that: " It is inconceivable that anyone could copyright a single word or a commonly used short phrase, in any language. It is also inconceivable that a valid copyright could be obtained for a phonetic spelling, using standard Roman letters, of such words or phrases. Although lists of words and translations of larger works may be copyrightable, Plaintiff cannot claim credit for any of the elements which make those things copyrightable. For these reasons, Plaintiff does not hold a valid copyright on the translations or transliterations ... " Signo Trading, 535 F. Supp. at 365. The Problem of the Derivative Work However, translations are generally "derivative works" - derived from the work of another. Because of this, the owner or author of the work is generally required to agree to the translation. Translations made illegally can be held under the classification of copyright violations, even when the translator has added creative elements. Who Has the Right over the Translated Work? Employer-Commissioned Translations Ownership of the copyright for the translation work varies. If the translation is commissioned by the owner of the original work, the owner will retain the right. Even when the translator adds creativity by passing over the original emotions and thoughts, the owner will not necessarily lose the right over the translation work. In some circumstances, the translation work can be accredited by the translator without them holding the right over the work. Independent Translations If a translation is performed independently by the translator, the translator can even be identified as the co-author of the translation. Nevertheless, the author typically has the underlying copyright, restricting the translator’s right over the work. Creative Translations from the Public Domain In certain cases, a translation may be creative enough to warrant its own copyright. For example, a translator adapting a classic work or a book in the public domain into modern language may introduce enough originality to qualify for copyright protection. However, direct, word-for-word translations are typically not considered original enough to receive new copyright protection. What About Machine Translations? The Human Creativity Copyright Requirement Machine-generated translations, including those produced by platforms like OpenAI , operate through advanced algorithms that replicate language patterns rather than capture the human touch. Unlike translations crafted by human translators who often infuse cultural insight and genuine emotion into the work, OpenAI's output is rooted in statistical patterns and data. Consequently, while these translations are impressively efficient and accurate, they typically fall short of the originality required for copyright protection. This distinction underscores the human creativity requirement needed to secure a valid copyright . Ultimately, although machine-generated translations serve as powerful tools, they do not offer the same legal and creative protections as those provided by human translators. The Bottom Line: Navigating Copyright in Translations Translations occupy the middle ground under the law of the copyright. Albeit the right of the original author generally has the right under the copyright, the right under the copyright can also be claimed by the translator provided the translation is creative enough. Central considerations here include the creativity the translator has added, the nature of the work being translated, and whether the work is under the public domain. These considerations establish the right of the owner under the copyright for the translation. Why Wilson Whitaker Rynell for Your Copyright Work? At Wilson Whitaker Rynell, our professional lawyers specialize in the practice of copyright law and copyright litigation , including the complex subject matter of translation work. We can provide you with advice about the ownership of your work under the provisions of the copyright, and protect your creative property. If you are the author, the publisher, or the translator, you can rely upon the advice from our firm. Copyright Translation FAQS
A man is sitting at a desk looking at a computer screen after getting an ISP copyright demand notice
By John Wilson May 27, 2024
How to Respond to a Copyright Infringement Notice from Your ISP: A Step-by-Step Guide
two people are looking at a floor plan of a house
By Kayla Holderman December 7, 2023
Copyright Protection For House Plans
Dallas Copyright Law Enforcement
By John Wilson January 24, 2023
Under the copyright laws, a copyright owner may seek to impound infringing material. 17 U.S.C. § 503(a).
Copyrights Claims Board (CCB)
By John Wilson March 21, 2022
Congress passed the Copyright Alternative in Small-Claims Enforcement Act (“CASE Act”), which directed the U.S. Copyright Office to establish the Copyrights Claims Board (CCB).
the onlyfans logo is protecting your intellectual property .
By John Wilson September 14, 2021
My OnlyFans Was Leaked And I Need An Attorney!
Trade Dress Registration
By John Wilson April 26, 2021
A trade dress includes, but is not limited to, such features as size, shape, color or color combinations, texture, graphics, or even a particular sales technique.
Fearless Girl Sculpture Wall Street
By John Wilson April 28, 2020
A visual arts copyright protects original pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works, which include two and three dimensional works of fine art, graphic art, and applied art. Examples of such works include: advertisements, commercial prints, cartographic works, cartoons, photographs, and sculptures.
Copyright Law
By John Wilson March 30, 2019
Copyright law protects “original works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression,” including literary works; musical works and any accompanying words; dramatic works and any accompanying music; pantomimes and choreographic works; pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works; motion pictures and other audiovisual works; sound records; and architectural works. However, copyright protection does not extend to a mere idea or concept, regardless of the manner in which it is embodied in the work. Our Dallas copyright attorneys can assist you in filing and protecting your copyrights. For more information on copyrights, see our Copyright Practice web page. What Are The Exclusive Rights Of A Copyright Owner? Depending on the medium of the copyrighted work, a copyright owner enjoys the exclusive rights to do and to authorize the following with the copyrighted work: (i) reproduce the copyrighted work; (ii) prepare derivative works based thereon; (iii) distribute copies of the copyrighted work; (iv) perform publicly (via digital audio transmission or otherwise); and (v) display publicly. 17 U.S.C. § 106(1)-(6). Anyone who violates any of these exclusive rights may be liable for infringement, provided the owner can prove (i) ownership of a valid copyright, and (ii) copying of protected elements of the copyrighted work. Copying is often proved by showing that the accused infringer’s work is strikingly similar to the protected elements of the copyrighted work. See Ferguson v. Nat'l Broad. Co., Inc., 584 F.2d 111, 113 (5th Cir. 1978); see also Creations Unlimited, Inc. v. McCain, 112 F.3d 814, 816 (5th Cir. 1997) (“To determine whether an instance of copying is legally actionable, a side-by-side comparison must be made between the original and the copy to determine whether a layman would view the two works as ‘substantially similar.’”) Fair Use Analysis For Copyright Infringement There are, however, limitations on the exclusive rights enjoyed by a copyright owner, one of which is fair use. Although most commonly found in teaching, news reporting, commentary, criticism, and research, whether "fair use" excuses what would otherwise amount to copyright infringement is ultimately determined by analyzing the following factors: the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes; the nature of the copyrighted work; the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work. See 17 U.S.C. § 107 (“[T]he fair use of a copyrighted work . . . is not an infringement of copyright.”). Proving Copyright Infringement While copyright infringement can be rebutted by proof of independent development, copyright infringement is strict liability — there is no intent or scienter requirement (i.e., one need not have the intent or knowledge of copying). For instance, in some jurisdictions infringement is shown by ownership of copyright, access to work (generally) and substantial similarity. In another jurisdiction, infringement can be shown by ownership of a copyright and by proof of “actionable copying” or “factual copying” and proof that such sufficiently render the two works “substantially similar” or “virtually identical,” depending. In order for an entity or person to prove copyright infringement, certain evidence must be found supporting the infringement: Direct evidence of copying; or Inference of copying, which is drawn when (i) defendant had access to copyrighted work, and (ii) accused work is substantially similar to copyrighted works (or “virtually identical” in some cases). A substantial similarity test would ordinarily ask whether the average lay observer would recognize the defendant’s work as having been appropriated from the copyrighted work. See Warner Bros. Inc. v. ABC, Inc., 654 F.2d 204, 208 (2d Cir. 1981). A virtual identicality test applies to compilations or works consisting largely of uncopyrightable elements and would ask i) whether the two works are “virtually identical;” ii) whether there has been “bodily appropriation of expression;” or iii) “copying of substantially the entire item.” See Apple Computer, 1nc. v. Microsoft Corp., 821 F.Supp. 616, 623 (N.D. Cal. 1993), aff’d 35 F.3d 1435 (9th Cir. 1994). Virtual identicality is also required where similarities follow from the fact that both parties’ works are realistic depictions of natural objects. A full discussion of all potential tests is beyond the scope of this brief; however, this article is intended to give a basic understanding. What Cannot Be Copyrighted? While copyright law may protect your original works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium, there are certain subject matters which can never be copyrighted: an idea – expression “dichotomy” between idea and the expression of the idea; merger doctrine – means of expressing an idea is very limited; scenes a faire – a common standard expression within a genre; functional elements of a concept; certain facts which are scientific or universal; and public domain materials.
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