Wilson Whitaker Rynell

Experienced Lawyers


a blue and orange check mark with the letter w on it as the Wilson Whitaker Rynell Logo
972-248-8080 DALLAS
713-830-2207 HOUSTON
512-691-4100 AUSTIN
wilson whitaker rynell attorneys and counselors at law logo
972-248-8080 DALLAS
713-830-2207 HOUSTON
512-691-4100 AUSTIN


Trademark attorneys provide trademark portfolio management and guidance that maximizes product market share through trademark licensing and protection.


What Is Trademark Portfolio Management? 

Trademark portfolio management is the process wherein a company develops and manages its' trademarks to maximize value. Importantly, managing and monetizing portfolios is an ongoing process and can be a significant portion of a corporation’s bottom line. As trademark and business strategies evolve, our trademark lawyers can assist in understanding, developing, and monetizing your trademark portfolios. 

Benefits To Managing Your Trademark Portfolio

Trademark lawyers are licensed attorneys who work in the specialty field of law governing intellectual property.  Our Dallas trademark attorneys assist clients in understanding the importance of advertising and brand marketing in a coherent and adaptive modern business environment. Patent portfolio management requires a company to make timely decisions about how best to use its intellectual property assets. Our patent attorneys work with each client to understand their business plan and assist in developing strategies that encompass the following:


  • Prosecuting new patents for new marketable inventions;


  • Enhancing a patent portfolio through licensing from third parties;


  • Acquiring additional patents for market leverage;


  • Licensing technologies to third parties; and 


  • Analyzing cost versus benefits of maintaining intellectual property assets.


A trademark portfolio owner should understand  IP quantity a nd IP quality and know the difference between the two. Simply owning a lot of trademarks may not be an advantage. A trademark should only be maintained as an asset if there are clear monetary or strategic reasons for doing so.  Our attorneys can assist you in reviewing your brand strategy and monitoring for trademark infringement or other illegal use of your brand names, logos, and trade dress.  Detailed information on how to perform an intellectual property portfolio audit can be found here: Managing The Intellectual Property Audit .

Trademark Portfolio Attorneys 

Our Dallas trademark lawyers specialize in the area of law protecting the property rights of trademark owners and we can assist you in analyzing your trademark portfolio. We will work with you to develop and maximize your trademark portfolio and, once created, assist you in monitoring and protecting your trademark portfolio.

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Additional Trademark Portfolio Focus 

What Is A Trademark? 

A trademark is a brand name or service mark that includes any word, name, device, or any combination, used or intended to be used to identify and distinguish the goods/services of one seller or provider from those of others, and to indicate the source of the goods/services. For instance, a trademark protects slogans and symbols that identify a business or brand and distinguishes it from others. 

Can A Domain Name Be A Trademark? 

Use of a domain name only as part of a web address does not qualify as source-indicating trademark use, and the registration of a domain name with a domain name registrar does not give you any trademark rights; however, a domain name may qualify as a trademark if there is another prominent use of that domain name apart from the web address that qualifies as trademark use.  Simply, domain name registrations alone will never qualify as trademark use in interstate commerce.





Award Winning

Recognized in the legal industry as dedicated board-certified lawyers and Rising Stars.

Expert Team

Your project will be handled by legal experts every time. You will have the most experienced attorneys working for you. 

Quality Representation

You’ll find the support you need to ensure that things run smoothly. We’re here to help with all your legal needs.

Meet Our Team

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