One commonly asked question in trademark practice is what happens if the trademark application incorrectly specifies the trademark owner or identifies a party who is not the owner at the time of filing. In such cases, corrections can be made if the owner is incorrectly identified, but if a non-owner is named, the application will be considered void from the outset. According to the Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure (TMEP) 1201.02(b), for a trademark application to be valid, it must be filed by the party who owns the mark on the filing date of the application. If the applicant does not own the mark at the time of filing, the application is considered void.
When an application is filed in the name of the wrong party, it cannot be rectified through an amendment or assignment. Examples of uncorrectable filings include situations where: (1) a corporation owns the mark, but the application is filed by the corporation's president as an individual; (2) there are joint owners, but one of them files as an individual, sole proprietorship, or single-member LLC, among other possibilities; or (3) a parent company and two sister companies exist, where sister company A owns the mark due to its usage and quality control, but sister company B is named as the owner in the application.
However, certain circumstances may allow for correction of ownership filing mistakes. For instance, if the party is indeed the mark's owner, but there is an error in how the name is presented in the application, it can be rectified through an amendment. Correctable errors include situations where: (1) the applicant identifies itself with a business name that is not a legal entity but is used in its operations; (2) clerical errors, such as omitting the corporate designation Inc. or Corp., can be corrected through amendment; (3) inconsistencies between using an individual's name in one part of the application and a corporate name in another can be clarified through amendment; or (4) if the corporation recently changed its name and inadvertently used the former organization's name, it can be corrected since the correct party filed the application but misidentified itself.
If you need legal advice regarding your trademark rights, assistance with trademark prosecution, or representation in a domain name dispute, contact Wilson Whitaker Rynell. Our team of trademark lawyers has extensive experience in all aspects of trademark and copyright law, including the filing of trademark applications and representing clients in defense or prosecution before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board.
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