Wilson Whitaker Rynell

Experienced Lawyers


a blue and orange check mark with the letter w on it as the Wilson Whitaker Rynell Logo
972-248-8080 DALLAS
713-830-2207 HOUSTON
512-691-4100 AUSTIN
wilson whitaker rynell attorneys and counselors at law logo
972-248-8080 DALLAS
713-830-2207 HOUSTON
512-691-4100 AUSTIN



The trademark registration process begins with the filing of trademark. A trademark will register if all examiner objections are overcome and no opposition is filed.


Trademark Process in 12 Easy Steps

Dallas Trademark Lawyers

Our Dallas trademark attorneys assist clients in trademark searches, trademark filing , and trademark litigation ,  We understanding the importance of advertising and brand marketing in an coherent and adaptive modern business environment. We  can assist you in reviewing your brand strategy and monitoring for trademark infringement or other illegal use of your brand names, logos, and trade dress.

For an more details on how to file and register a trademark follow this link: Applying for and filing a Trademark

a blue and orange check mark with the letter w on it .

Additional Trademark Search Focus 

What Is A Trademark Search?

A trademark search is the process of clearing a new trademark by comparing it to other existing trademarks which are already in use and determining whether there is or could be a likelihood of confusion between those marks. Trademark searches can be narrow in scope such as just examining those marks on file with the trademark office, or a search can broadly include websites, corporate registrations, publications, and effectively any public material used in commerce by those selling services and product.   To protect the good will of your trademarks or service marks, our Dallas trademark lawyers can help you perform trademark searches and register your trademark. For an Overview of how to file and register a trademark follow this link: Applying for and filing a Trademark





Award Winning

Recognized in the legal industry as dedicated board-certified lawyers and Rising Stars.

Expert Team

Your project will be handled by legal experts every time. You will have the most experienced attorneys working for you. 

Quality Representation

You’ll find the support you need to ensure that things run smoothly. We’re here to help with all your legal needs.

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